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How To Live A More Free and Meaningful Life

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When you say you want to live freely, how do you visualize that?

Is it having control over your time? Is it breaking away from routines or obligations? Managing your own business and following your passions? Or is it about traveling wherever, whenever you want to?

We may have different pictures of what “living free” looks like.

But in this post, I’ll try to explain some key foundations for actually finding a life where you’re truly unconfined.

As my blog’s tagline suggests, “real life’s adventures starts with your strengths” and I’ll explain why it’s also the bedrock of our freedom.

Are you ready to go in-depth with the topic?

Here we go!

How To Live A More Free and Meaningful Life


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1. Live a life using your strengths.

It’s my advocacy – we must live embracing our real, unique strengths. Do that, and we’ll eventually land on meaning and our very own purpose.

Many people struggle because they focus on fixing their weaknesses or chasing goals that don’t align with their true interests.

I did that, too. I’m a self-reflective individual who loves to express my thoughts (through writing and teaching).

But this gift? I didn’t know it early on. So I kept running around like a lost cat, trying to be a customer service agent with my unimpressive social skills, be a mechanic with my 5’0″ stature, and so on.

There was a time when I was so lost I labeled myself a “jack of all trades, master of none,” which disheartened me to depths close to depression.

So here’s what I want to tell you, instead of trying to compete in a game that doesn’t resonate with you, lean into your natural talents. I wrote a blog post here on figuring out your core gifts.

You’ll find more passion and happiness in life by nurturing what you’re naturally good at.

True freedom comes from living authentically, staying true to what genuinely excites and motivates you.

To discover this, you can test the waters and experience many things in life. Open yourself to new opportunities. Only then will some paths lose their luster, leaving your true strengths shining.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

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As an introverted empath, being in an environment where insults and banters were the norm made me feel out of place and trapped.

Dang, I felt like I was in a lion’s den, and the people around me would attack me in the least time I expected it.

And most of the time, they did. No one gets exempted from being the butt of a joke.

This was in college.

I admit that being with them in the same class was one of the hardest years of my life.

But now? I realized why that’s the case.

I’ve learned that the reason I hated their guts while they all got along was not because I was a goody two shoes, and they’re the wild rascals.

Instead, it’s simply because our values and beliefs were different.

I was leaning on emotions, while they were leaning on what they saw at the moment. They’re “here and now” types of people.

Today, I don’t loathe them anymore as I slowly understand people’s differences. But at the same time, I won’t force myself into their group for my sanity.

That’s why, to live free, you must find a community that shares your values and interests—a church group, an art club, or a college community.

Be friends with people who are compassionate or athletic like you. Find a common ground with others.

You’ll feel more comfortable expressing yourself when you’re in the right environment.

These people will encourage you, and you’ll understand each other deeper, creating a sense of belonging that allows you to truly be yourself.

And when you are yourself, that’s freedom.

3. Financial freedom.

Want to live free? Let’s be real here — financial freedom is key.

From my experience, I built passive income streams through my blogs and YouTube channel. While it took years of hard work, the payoff has been immense because I can take days off but still earn something on the side.

Because of passive income, I can now focus on the more important things. I’m able to pursue my passions, like teaching, without being driven by financial concerns.

When you’re not held back by money, you can make more purposeful choices in your life.

So today, consider creating passive income through digital ventures, rental properties, or starting a business that can eventually operate independently.

I’m not saying we need to be millionaires, as the online financial gurus tell us. Rather, we should have enough to cover our bills, expenses, and emergency fund.

Financial freedom allows you to live life on your own terms. It frees you from stress, possible insanity, and anxiety caused by going into debt.

4. Live in the moment.

We often say, “Live in the present,” but truth be told, many of us cannot do that.

For introverts like me, we may catch ourselves falling back inside our heads and become self-conscious.

You see, anxiety often stems from dwelling on a difficult past or worrying about an uncertain future. This overthinking can make you feel trapped and afraid.

So, if the past is restraining you from peace and freedom, I encourage you to practice forgiveness—for yourself and those who have wronged you. Letting go of past hurts allows you to move forward with a lighter heart.

As for the future, remember that no one can predict what lies ahead.

This is the most important lesson I’ve learned—even if I overplan, overthink, and oversee my future to make it perfect, my plans don’t always work the way I planned them.

And so, I learned to let go, create a checklist, focus on what I can accomplish today, and let tomorrow unfold on its own.

Focus on today because it’s the only moment you can truly influence.

Get out of your head and connect with the people around you. Stay present and avoid slipping back into your thoughts when you engage in conversations or activities.

By living in the moment, you’ll find more peace and happiness. That’s for sure.

5. “Me time” is a must.

Even extroverts need moments of solitude, not just to enjoy hobbies but to escape the constant noise and pressures of the external world.

It’s a ridiculously noisy world, would you agree?

It’s forcing negativities, never-ending ideas, life hacks, podcasts, debates, fights, wars, and politics into our minds.

To be updated is good, but information overload can harm our mental well-being.

That said, this alone time allows you to disconnect from the endless suggestions and distractions around you.

Use this time to self-reflect and ponder life’s bigger questions.

Daydream, listen to your inner voice, and unplug from social media, toxic acquaintances, and the overwhelming flood of information.

Meditation can also be a powerful tool to center yourself.

When I log out of my social media accounts, a huge chunk of noise clutters leave my mind. Guess I should do that more often.

You can recharge and stay true to your own path by carving out these quiet moments.

6. Be responsible and disciplined.

People may think being free means you can do anything and anywhere. But truly, too much freedom only brings chaos into our lives.

Meanwhile, when you’re disciplined, you accomplish tasks, giving us a deep sense of satisfaction.

In my experience, having no plans and an empty calendar left me feeling aimless and lost.

Once upon a time, I felt really lazy and stopped working on my business. I did nothing for months – just watched movies, YouTube videos, and such. I have passive income anyway, so I didn’t have to worry about working for some time.

But did you think that was fun? No. I loathed that version of me.

I may have all the time in the world, but that’s not freedom. Being trapped in procrastination and uncertainty is NEVER freedom.

So whenever I get lost in track, I rewrite my routine again, follow them, and keep the discipline.

While it’s important to have time for relaxation and spontaneity, real freedom often comes from having a plan.

Knowing your direction and what you want to achieve each day makes you feel more in control and empowered.

Want to be free? Then cultivate discipline in your life.

7. Live in truth.

Don’t lie about your life—this is a lesson I learned the hard way.

I’ve experienced this firsthand when I lied to my classmates, colleagues, and friends about my family’s problems and financial situation, hiding my life out of embarrassment.

When people try to ask how I am, I’d leave them a smile and be as quiet as a bee, so they would leave me alone.

However, sometimes, I catch myself oversharing, and here’s where these lies come up to keep my reputation intact.

The more lies I made, the more I felt trapped, like I was in a prison of my own making.

See, lying only entangles you into more lies, until you don’t know the truth anymore.

So always, live by the truth. Standing in truth may be difficult at first, but in the long run, it sets you free.

The moment I confessed my hidden emotions, failures, and sorrows to my family and friends, I felt a weight lifted.

Do it more times, and you know, I’ve become an open book.

Now, I’m no longer shy to admit my past errors. I started to have no shame that I can even share my most humiliating issues. Lol!

8. Find a space where you can freely express yourself.

Sometimes, the people around you—family, friends, or relationships—may be unsupportive of your goals and dreams. This may be a reason why you choose to keep your thoughts to yourself rather than express them in the open.

This is a long-time issue I’m still dealing with today. I’ve recently discovered that I’ve grown to have avoidant attachment style, and I feel super uncomfortable when people try to be nosy with my private life.

Now, I’m trying to unlearn my traumas, be more expressive, and allow other people to hear me.

Unlike before, I now speak loudly, trying to overcome the fear of being judged (and heard!).

So far, because I’m slowly overcoming this fear, it’s evident how freeing it is compared to becoming a hermit.

So whether it’s through your creativity, positivity, compassion, or even working through negative thoughts, you need to express them.

You can do this by journaling, publishing your thoughts online like I did, meeting with supportive friends, or joining groups where you feel understood and encouraged. Finding this space allows you to live authentically and without restraint.

Activities you can do that will make you live a more free life:

  • Organize travels at least twice a year.
  • Meeting up with friends.
  • Keeping your home neat.
  • Having a checklist to prepare for your week.
  • Don’t be afraid of being heard and understood; don’t hide away your thoughts.
  • Grabbing opportunities that cultivate your strength.
  • Learning a new skill.
  • Joining community programs or churches.
  • Self-reflecting on life through journals.
  • Using your skills to serve people.
  • Earning while using your skills.
  • Avoiding lies and facing truths, even if it’s difficult.
  • Shaking your anxieties of the future off.
  • Joining groups that share the same profession, hobbies, and mindset as you.
  • Applying a growth mindset, rather than limiting yourself.
  • Going to café alone and appreciate your solo time.
  • Accepting feedbacks as constructive criticisms, not attacks.
  • Having a standard you hold in your life.
  • Avoiding people-pleasing.
  • Be willing to help others.


That’s it! Here are some advice to help you build the bedrock of true freedom. I’m practicing these, too, and so far, I could really say how my life turned for the better. I hope you gain insights, too!

Thanks for reading!

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