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30-Day Happiness Challenge (Tiny Habits That Will Make You Happier)

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You know what they say: happiness is subjective. But you see, there are these tiny habits we can sprinkle into our daily lives that can lead to amazing changes, not just for our physical health, but for our emotional well-being too.

So, here’s a challenge for you. Try adding these small habits to your routine. It might seem like a minor tweak, but trust me, it can have a huge positive impact on your overall happiness.

I’ve tried them all myself. Sure, I stumble sometimes, but I can promise you that each of these habits has positively impacted my life.

30-Day Happiness Challenge (Tiny Habits That Will Make You Happier)

Wake up before sunrise.

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Stretch for 5 minutes every morning.

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Finish chores and keep a neat home.

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Drink 8-10 glasses of water.

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Jog around the neighborhood.

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Go fasting at least once a week.

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Try a new recipe.

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Meet your family and friends.

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Discover a place, restaurant, or park you’ve never been before.

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Phones off, hobbies on.

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Get 6-8 hours of sleep.

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Meditate on Bible verses and how it applies to your life.

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Don’t procrastinate on your tasks.

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Take breaks and appreciate a quiet time.

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Journal your day and self-reflect.

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Listen to uplifting music.

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Be grateful for the good things, and pray for the ones that need to be worked out.

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Move more, eat less.

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Be slow to complaints and quick to find solutions.

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Consume less sugar – declutter your fridge off of excessive sweets.

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Declutter your home – sort, clean, and dispose of unnecessary stuff that fills up your home.

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Grab a self-improvement book and read 1 chapter a day.

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Add a relaxing aroma to your home – such as diffusing essential oils, lighting candles, or house plants.

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Keep your electronics out of your bedroom.

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Take warm baths to calm your nerves.

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Lessen on social media.

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Express your thoughts instead of keeping them in.

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Take a deep breath and smile.

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Willingly offer help to others.

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Appreciate the slowness in your life – watch people pass by, a good afternoon daydream, a peaceful time with a cup of coffee.

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That’s it! I hope you apply these little habits in your every day life and watch how much change it yields!

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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