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How To Find The Right Church For You

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The year 2020 was a whirlwind for my mental health. My anxiety went all time high.

But thankfully, in those years, God also began to work on my heart in ways I didn’t expect.

A quieter journey unfolded—I started a personal search for Christ. And it got deeper and deeper, thankfully.

As I learned to trust Him more, I noticed that the broken pieces of my life were slowly falling back into place. I became happier.

The people around me — my family, partner, and friends — are also getting better.

God shifted my perspective, healing old wounds that I had carried for so long.

By May 2024, one prayer kept echoing in my heart: “God, use me for Your glory. I’m ready.”

And with that prayer, I finally stepped out and stepped up in faith.

I decided it was time to stop hiding, find a church, and start using the gifts God had entrusted to me.

After three months of searching for a church, in August 2024, I’m excited to say that I’ve finally found a church and joined ministries.


So how did I find the right church for me? What was my search like?

If you’ve been in the same place I was, wondering how to take that faith into action, here’s what I did to find the right church for me:

How To Find The Right Church For You

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1. First, I prayed to God for guidance.

I knew this decision wasn’t something I wanted to make on my own.

I needed God’s wisdom to guide me to the right place, where I could grow spiritually and serve in the way He intended.

My prayer was simple: “Lord, lead me to the church where I can be of use to You and feel at home.”

And truly, God didn’t fail me.

I do the search, but He gives me the directions.

2. Consider the factors you desire in a church.

Factors I considered when finding a church:

✔️The Location

When I first thought about finding a church, the one that immediately came to mind was the church my mom and I used to attend.

It’s a beautiful, big church. Only that, it’s an hour away from home.

That worked fine when I was just attending occasionally, but now that I’m ready to serve and be more involved, I knew I needed somewhere closer.

If you have a car to drive, then go! A farther church might work for you.

But for me, public transport is my current mode of getting around, so I began looking for a church within a 15-minute radius.

Finding a church nearby makes it easier to commit to the involvement that we want to have, so consider the location.

✔️The Size of the Church

Do you want to be part of a big or a small church?

Big Churches

Big churches often have well-structured ministries. They got several church programs you could join!

Moreover, since megachurches are very open to new attendees and can even invite big names, they would have the resources to run quality church programs like theatre plays, Christian Life Development programs, etc.

I also think big churches have a more organized system in assigning roles to church workers since there are many volunteers.

I even went to a church where they hold auditions for the Worship Team because many want to be involved.

Only that, since it’s a big church, it may be hard to build intimate connections with the other attendees. You may come and go home, without anyone having to talk with you. 

Small Churches

On the other hand, I personally opted for a small church. As mentioned, I am in a season of building my sense of community.

Church attenders know and look out for each other. You could easily communicate and build intimate connections with a group and ministry.

Plus, involving in ministry work wouldn’t be as rigid.

Smaller churches, oftentimes, don’t have a ton of workers. That means you can be an all-rounder — from ushering, to worship team, to Sunday school teacher. This builds your character.

So, which one is for you? A big or a small church? That’s up to you!

✔️Focus on Scriptures

When we visit a new church, we must pay close attention to the preaching.

Are the teachings grounded in the Word of God, or do they feel more like motivational speeches?

Feeling good about a church doesn’t always mean they are Biblical.

We would want a church that stays true to the Bible.

How about the praise and worship? How does the church lead that?

Do you feel connected to the Spirit, or does it feel more like a performance designed to stir your emotions? Does the worship team praise God or are they focused on themselves?

We must be looking for genuine worship where it naturally flows from the heart.

✔️Are the Members Active?

Are the members genuinely involved, or do they just show up on Sundays and leave?

I must say, after attending a few services, you start to notice how organized and committed the church members and workers are.

It’s so nice to see them connected, comfortable, and invested. 

They’re not just happy to serve in the church, they’re bright and collected! Well, at least, that’s how I see them.

For me, it’s important to see a sense of community there.

You simply know the church is their second home.

✔️Do you feel comfortable?

Every church has its own style, especially when it comes to preaching the good news, and the praise and worship.

Some churches are really loud and energetic, with vibrant music and lots of outward expression.

Others are more subdued and solemn, focusing on quiet reflection.

Neither is wrong, but it’s important to find what feels right for you.

For me, I look for a place where I feel at ease—not just with the worship style but also with the people.

Are they friendly and welcoming, or do I feel like an outsider, standing alone in the crowd with no one approaching me?

Get a feel of belongingness, and if you do feel that, ask God once more if it’s really the church for you. Just to confirm!

✔️Church Leadership

For me, strong leadership trickles down to the entire congregation.

No, not just from the pastor, but the entire church is WORKING for God’s glory!

When the leaders truly understand their roles and see their work as an offering to God, you can sense it in the way the church operates.

They’re on a mission!

It’s not something you can always put into words, but you can feel it when leadership is strong and Spirit-led.

3. Searching on Google for Nearby Churches

After praying and listing down what I’m looking for in a church, I got practical.

I searched for nearby churches on Google and Facebook.

I scrolled through websites and socials, checked out their beliefs, and even watched a few online services posted on their Facebook and YouTube channel to get a feel for their vibe.

If the church aligns with me, then I take the next step.

4. Attend in their church more than once.

One visit may not be enough for me to make a decision.

I knew I needed to experience the church in different settings, see how the services flowed, and whether I felt the Spirit consistently moving there.

So, I made it a point to attend more than once.

It helped me get a better sense of the atmosphere, the people, and how well I could connect with the worship and teachings.

After a few attendance, I would consider them in my options while still exploring other churches.

5. Asked my Christian friends about the churches they go to.

I also reached out to some of my Christian friends and asked about the church they go to.

One family friend brought me to their church, and it was great to hear firsthand what the community and leadership were like from people I trust.

I seriously considered going to their church, yet my search continued until I firmly knew I’d landed on the right one for me.

6. Talked to church members.

Finally, once I’ve attended a church a few times, and would like to know more about the ministry, I mustered the courage to approach the church members.

I reached out to the ushering team, and they happily handed me to Ate Gina, our now Ladies ministry leader.

She’s a gorgeous, determined woman, and she introduced me to everyone.

It started from there.

She answered my questions about the ministries, explained different opportunities for serving, and consistently invited me to join fellowships for spiritual growth.

All this time, I was seeking for a church. Now, the church is seeking for my presence.

And as I prayed to God in the earlier months, “Yes Lord, I’m ready.”

I’ve buckled up!

Their openness and warmth helped me decide if this was a place where I could not only grow but also contribute.

In the end, these steps helped me feel confident in my choice, knowing I wasn’t just picking a church but finding a home.


After years of isolation and anxiety, I finally realized that God didn’t give me these gifts to keep them hidden—He gave them so I could serve, grow, and connect with others in faith.

Now that I’ve found a church community, I feel a sense of purpose and belonging that I hadn’t felt in years.

If you’re in a similar place, wondering if it’s time to step out, trust that God is ready to guide you.

It’s never too late to find your place and start using the gifts He’s given you.

All it takes is that first step of faith, and the rest will follow.


That’s it. Thanks for reading. God bless! 🙂

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